6 things you NEED on your Instagram profile to convert clients

Hey gang! Back today with another post for ya! One of my most asked questions is how to cultivate great bookings from Instagram. A lot of you guys struggle with getting SEEN, or perhaps you struggle with booking the right type of clients (you know the type that never quarrel about your rates, or always ask for makeup that is just a JOY to do). So today I am bringing to you, 7 things you need on your profile to convert the heck out of those lurkers.

1) Be Bio Aware

The number 1 problem I see with Instagram? Let me link it below…

This is your business - so a bio like this is really not selling you to your fullest potential. Here’s a breakdown of WHY.

If you want to operate a successful, professional business - it’s important to conduct like one. Things like hard to read fonts, NO DM’s and unapproachable wording can be enough to put off you dream client. Things like Look Fantastic codes or affiliate links should be put in blog posts, mail lists and swipe up links, rather than taking up prime Instagram real estate. Do you think a prospective client will be enticed to book you from these links? Probably not.
So what should a bio say? After all we have 3 seconds to capture a clients attention before the swipe away.

This is just a basic mock of what clients want to see potentially. They want to know WHO you are, WHO you serve, WHERE you operate from and WHERE to book you. They want to know if they fit your ideal client profile and if they can see themselves booking you instantly. Having all your information and any extras that you think your clients would love, makes the most of this Instagram real estate and means your ideal clients are much more likely to book you.

2) Highlight those highlights

So you have caught the attention of your ideal client - now they want to know more. That little row Instagram gives you called highlights is the PERFECT place to do this. You can include information you think your ideal client would like to know, that additionally might convert them to a paid for booking. These things include before and after shots, behind the scenes, price lists, FAQ’s, a portfolio of your best work. Whatever your ideal client wants to see, whatever might entice them to book and further your skills and expertise, THIS is the place to put it.

3) What about branding?

Theres just something about a business that has fully branded content - it shines in a way that just seems more professional, more put together, more s**t together, than a company with no speck of branding. Even having simple things like branding colours incorporated into your highlights, or using emojis that fit your branding scheme, these all add making your page an experience rather than a random makeup artist trying to work it all out. Your branding can elevate your page, your work, your brand, your voice and your vibe to whole new levels, so if you have no branding, its time you got some.

4) The Feed

So everything else is on point and your potential client loves what they see so far, they are totally vibing with you! Now they have scrolled to your feed. Nowadays, feeds can be less curated and perfect than the last few years, so use this to your advantage. Play around and see what feels good and what gets great responses. But remember to always add value, educate or inspire. A lot of makeup artists (myself included on my own makeup account) can get into habits of just uploading anything because something is better than nothing. I’m here to say this something CAN hurt your business. its better to post quality rather than quantity, a hard lesson that I’m sure we have all heard before. Before pressing post, ask yourself, is this going to please, educate, inspire or convert my ideal client? Is this what they want to see or am I posting this for me?

5) Your clients want to see themselves

Most importantly, your clients want to go on your profile and see themselves in your work. If they are booking on behalf of someone else, they want to see you are capable of the work they have in mind. Your work MUST be absolutely catered to the industry you want to work in, or you simply won’t convert it. If you are wanting to book commercial work but are just showing full glam, you will only book and convert full glam. You need to be creating the work you want to book.

6) Be Bookable

You will be shocked, the amount of makeup artists with amazing beautiful work and a great bio - are letting themselves down, by not having a call to action. If your clients love your work and want to book, do they know how? Are you showing them how to book? Sometimes you have to spell it out via a call to action, and I recommend every Instagram page and caption have a valuable call to action telling your clients what you want them to do next. “Email to book” WITH your email address OR “Book here” are great examples of calls to action that promote your customers booking in.

So I hope these tips bring you some insight and hopefully some new ways to convert clients on your Instagram page! Until next time!


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