How a Mentor Can Help Your Makeup Business earn more, elevate more and achieve more.

I’m about to launch Season 3 of the By Kayleigh mentorship. SEASON 3!! I'm so excited to meet some wonderful makeup artists and help their business elevate beyond their wildest dreams. Today’s blog post is for those who are thinking “why, why the heck would I need a mentor” because boy - I wish I had invested in a mentor 10 years ago. I made some mistakes, and genuinely, if I had known what I teach, my makeup business AND my confidence would have elevated beyond what I was able to achieve in those 10 years. So please read on and see how a mentor can help you!

1) Mentors kickstart positive change

I would say the one thing all of the participants in the programme have in common, is they come to me not knowing what to do next. They are stuck in their business, not knowing how to elevate or how to push to the next level. Some come to me unhappy with the work they are doing but know they have the passion somewhere, they are just stuck. Some come to me, yearning for the next stage, more income, more bookings, but are stuck not knowing how. This is where I come in. Mentors create plans of action from the get go. You leave our first call with definite plans, goals and a framework to kick start the change you so needed and wanted in your business. A good business mentor will be able to give you that and should be able to give you a new lease of life on your business. They are the motivational kick up the bum you need.

2) Mentors help you set and achieve goals towards your dreams

I always like to think of my mentorship as your own personal business PT. Every week we jump on the call, and you are held accountable for your actions. If you work better with someone holding you accountable, a business mentor will probably serve you very well. You also have a group of amazing inspiring business owners alongside you, not only cheering you on but also sharing their own wins - motivating you to achieve yours. At the beginning of my programme, we set 5 goals together to achieve over the course of the 12 weeks. We then create plans for those goals, as well as working through the framework of the course - to make sure you achieve them. Your goals should always be pointed towards your wider dreams and aspirations, I want you to leave the mentorship one step closer to your wider dreams and with the knowledge to go on to achieve them!

3) Mentors raise your confidence

One absolutely lovely piece of feedback I always receive, is how much my previous mentee’s have grown in confidence. I always say there is a week - where they show up on the calls differently. They talk differently, carry themselves different, have a different mindset. Something just clicks. This usually happens around the halfway point and this is my favourite point in the mentorship. I see you turn into CEO’s before my very eyes and genuinely, its why I do what I do. I love seeing bookings come in and wealth elevate - but more than anything I love seeing women become empowered. I love seeing them step into their own, know their worth and become truly in control of their business and life. THIS is why I am a mentor and the fact I can give that to them means I have the best job in the world.

4) Mentors expand your network and wealth

I’m not saying you are going to join this mentorship and earn 6 figures. This is entirely subjective. I can’t promise wealth and riches or overnight solutions. I have mentees go on to get more bookings than even I’m getting. I have mentees go on and have fully booked wedding seasons and start the wheels turning for creating teams and new revenue streams. I have mentees earn the amount they paid back before the mentorship has even finished. But this is all dependent on what you put in. I also see mentees struggle. The difference is, the ones who believe they can do it - do it. The ones who use excuses or are stubborn to change, they don’t have the same results. I give you the tools and the information but what you do with that is up to you. Regardless, a good mentor should be able to give you the tools, the knowledge, the power and ultimately, a wider network to create limitless change. I offer all my mentees the chance to assist me on productions, commercials and editorials (usually paid if I can!). If they are further away, I give them the tools and advice to create their own networks, to reach out and to make connections that could change their life.

5) Mentors offer unlimited invaluable knowledge and guidance for your business

A mentor should have had the results you are wanting to achieve AND have the experience to back it up. They offer invaluable insight for those who are wanting to know the HOW behind the business. It’s not the kind of guidance you can find anywhere else, it is exclusive to that person and their journey and YOU get to be privy to that. Over my journey, I have made countless mistakes (that I help you avoid), I have had countless successes (and I tell you how to have your own) and together, we create a collaborative effort to help you get to where you want to be. If you have a mentor or are looking to get one - I encourage you to use them to the most you can. Ask them questions, come willing to listen and really USE them. I love being asked questions, I love receiving emails picking my brain because that’s my job - I am here to help you for 12 weeks exclusively and any mentor should do the same. This guidance, this knowledge, will save you valuable time in your business and push you to the next level quicker.

There are SO many other things a mentor does - we are cheerleaders, we are confidants, we are givers, providers, planners, creators, and most of all, we are your friend. I make friends with every single one of my amazing mentees and when the 12 weeks is up - there is NO way they are getting rid of me (sorry in advance). If you are thinking about hiring your own business mentor, I hope this post gave you some creative insight into why it is most definitely the best thing you can do for your business.


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