Makeup Artists: Stop doing these things on Instagram in 2022

I hear ya, I hear ya. We’ve had enough of do’s and don’t on Instagram. Do this, post at this time. Don’t do this or you will be shadow banned. I get it. There’s only so much brain space we have for Instagram related content. But today I have crafted some new tips which hopefully you haven’t heard before in the Instagram space, say hello makeup artists, to the things we NEED to stop doing this year in order to thrive!


Say what - but you’re on a website all about strategy and tools for makeup artists! Hear me out - overthinking and overstrategising (for me anyway) leads to unsustainable results. Sure, I may try this new thing I saw on the explore page, where I comment for 30mins before and comment for 30mins after and then I follow 10 niche accounts and spend 15 minutes liking pages in my hashtag group, but is this sustainable? Can I do this everyday? More importantly, is this hitting my ideal client? For me, these types of strategy feel unaligned to me as a business, they make me feel stressed and they start to turn Instagram into a place where it feels like work constantly. So this year I am throwing out the strategy and showing up as my authentic self. Some days I might not post on stories and thats OK. Some weeks I might not be as active and social, but some weeks I might be able to comment and hit like on every great post that comes my way. Regardless, we are stopping with the strategy and starting to feel more authentic in our growth strategies.


But wait - isn’t Instagram supposed to make ME happy. Shouldn't I be posting the work that makes me the happiest and feel great about myself. Whilst that is true, I feel like especially in creative industries such as makeup, it can be so easy to post content that is only self gratifying, instead when we should be posting for our ideal client, if that is what we want to be gaining from our business profile. Posting that latest editorial with no caption (or something arty) with no real rhyme or reason, only serves you and not your audience. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but thats what personal accounts are for. Instead, if you want to see an increase in bookings and clients finding you on Instagram - then post FOR them. Find that fine balance between creating and showing content that gratifies you, but also serves the audience you are trying to sell to.


It can be quite tempting to automate your content, have it go up at 5pm and leave Instagram to manage itself. The good old post and ghost. And whilst we discussed above how we are stopping with the intense strategies, we need to start using social media for how it was intended. Be social people. Create relationships and cultivate community - this is exactly what Instagram is designed for. Sure, you can still post and come back, but make sure you are coming back and answering your comments, asking questions and encouraging engagement on your posts and in your stories. Posts are not enough now to attract and keep clients booking - so make sure you are offering more than just a static image and a caption.


What is the number 1 reason makeup artists do not have reach on their posts to a wider audience (AKA potential clients)? Consistency. Instagram loves consistent users and actively pushes those that duhhh, use the platform. And why is it makeup artists tell me they aren’t consistent? A? Not enough time (easily solvable with Planoly) and B) We claim we have nothing to post. We need to stop using this excuse in 2022. If you have been doing makeup for a few years, you have content for days, in the form of repurposed content. If you have been a bridal makeup artist, I know you have portfolios of perhaps not images of the brides face, but perfect filler photos for infographics. This excuse literally stops some makeup artists from making 6 figures. Stop creating a roadblock from lack and start creating content outside of the box. Use stock images as filler (of course not of makeup, we don’t want any plagiarism around here), great educational content, funny reels, infographics ect ect… Instagram is a wealth of content.


I know, I know, I couldn’t help myself. I know I said these tips were brand new and you have most definitely heard this before, but unless its drummed into you, you gotta stop comparing yourself girl. Your journey is your own and what you are comparing is your behind the scenes with someones else’s front of house. It’s cliche, its stupid but the only person to compare to, is yourself. Your own metrics, your own numbers, your own artistry. That’s the only comparison worth taking note of. If anyone makes you feel lesser, then it is your responsibility as a business owner AND to yourself as the CEO of your business, to mute those accounts. Unfollow them. Only you can make Instagram a place you enjoy being on, you have that power 100% in your control so use it. Cultivate a feed that inspires you daily, makes you laugh, makes you cry (in a good way) and more than anything, makes you feel happy.


Perfection can be just as bad as comparison. It can hold you back, slow you down and encourage poor business decisions that stop fuelling your growth. Let go of perfection, be you, do what you can with what you have. If your kit isn’t 100% Chanel, who told you it had to be? Your perfectionism, thats who. Letting go of this will free you and your business up to grow to greater heights. Allow that to happen. Showing a perhaps imperfect makeup ISN’T going to put off an perfect client, because changes are, those imperfect qualities aren’t really there. It’s just our inner critic. Some of my most imperfect work, turned out to be some of my most celebrated, so let go, and let in the real.


Its time to stop being the idea we have in our heads of who we THINK we should be. Stop being Mario, stop being Nikki, Stop being Pat and stop being Val. Those amazing makeup artists didn't get to where they are now, without being unapologetically themselves in their artistry. You are the same. You have amazing unique wonderful qualities that are dimmed when we try to fit in the box we think we should be in. When we try and replicate a cut crease, when our artistry skills lie more in editorial. When we think we need full glam on every client because the trend says so. Write your own rules, like the amazing artists before us.


“But my work is seasonal..”


6 things you NEED on your Instagram profile to convert clients