Why you should have an email list and ways to create one as makeup artist

Whenever I talk about email lists to makeup artists - I am usually met with a few things.

  • “I don’t need an email list, I just do makeup”

  • “ Nobody would care what I have to say”

  • “I use Instagram to keep in touch with my clients”

And lots of other things, which whilst true, are no reason to not have an email list in the back of your mind and on your to-do list. First of all, an email list is a direct link to your clients inbox. With social media, you are very much at the mercy of the algorithm when it comes to reaching and connecting with your clients. When you have permission from your clients to sign them up to your mailing list, you are able to reach them and not rely on a social network. Email lists are a really amazing way (if done well!) to connect to your audience, create an even stronger connection and keep them up to date with the latest news and topics. Whether you post once a week, twice a week or once a month, it ALL matters!

So what exactly would you put on your email list? This is the fun part! For me, I love sharing business tips, By Kayleigh news and launches and sharing community wins. Obviously emails are a great way to sell and launch, but I prefer to look at how I can serve my audience with my list. I personally hate email lists that are sell sell sell, so for me its super important that I also mix in WHY they came to By Kayleigh, which is for education and value. You should be the same. Here are some of my tips for grabbing email subscribers and adding value to them, so they can add value to you!

1) Discounts and Freebies

Everyone loves a freebie and I know if I see a 10% off, I’m gonna add my email. I’m a SUCKER for a discount. Having a discount, a code or something of free value on your booking page, will see email subscribers come in. It’s keeping them that becomes a harder part, made easier IF you add value to their lives. Once you have them subscribed, be sure to keep them by hooking them in. Keep your newsletters short, informative and exactly what you would want to see land in your own inbox. A nail salon I follow does this really well, with monthly newsletters that promote a latest offer they are running, a blog post that adds something to my life, some fun salon facts about their staff and nail news in the industry. It’s a great example of keeping me entertained as a consumer, keeping me interested and keeping the nail salon at the forefront of my mind.

2) Offer an opt in

Another thing that I am a sucker for… an opt in. If someone is giving away a PDF, a freebie, a document, something that makes my life easier - off my email address goes! Giving your customer something for free that adds value, be it a bridal trial PDF, a skincare cheatsheet, something that your client would WANT - is an excellent way to get them to drop their email. Again, keep that email address happy, by always offering great content in return.

3) Don’t just have a pop up and call it a day.

I do have this - but my pop up is very specific. If someone is on my blog page for longer than a minute, a pop up will come up explaining that I see they are interested in my content, and to grab their email if they would like to see more of this, in their inbox on a weekly basis. I find this works really well, because its not invasive, its not popping up relentlessly and it really only pops up to people who are already enjoying and aligning with similar content. Target your audience and see how you can introduce your list in a really organic way. I have my list at the bottom, with my footer and included on various pages where I do think my audience would perhaps benefit from joining my list. But otherwise, I try not to bug people. Generally people feel more aligned if the pop up or advertisement makes sense rather than pestering them. (PS: my email list really is cool and includes lots of things like this - so if you are enjoying this blog post, you would really like my list. Sign up here!)

4) Share your list regularly.

The mistake I see very often, is people forgetting about their list. This NEEDS to be something you give attention to regularly. Don’t just make one newsletter and abandon your list forever. Instead make the commitment to creating a community of super-fans and then serve them. Don’t rush into it unless you are ready to batch your newsletters (which can be just 1 a month if that works!) As with most things, consistency is super key with lists and sharing is vital. Share to your socials, and not just once, share regularly to let new customers know what you are doing and why your email list is so amazing. Add it to your email signature, really shout about it and more than anything. Don’t forget about it.

5) Understand how to give value.

Once you understand how an email list can be valuable to you - its way more motivating to get started. When you launch something, you could have 1000 people interested in that product or service BECAUSE you have built a strong connection via your list. When you have a slow season, you have a direct line to the people who book you, have booked you and enjoyed your services before. You can offer them weekend appointments, last minute appointments and cancellation slots directly into their inbox with direct links to book. In return, make sure you are providing more than a sales pitch. Give them valuable content, knowledge, information, freebies, let them know about you. Show them work you are proud of. Share what they want to know. Give them value and they will give you value.

So I hope that has inspired you to go forth and create your own email list. I promise, it is so so effective at creating long lasting and meaningful relationships with clients, more so sometimes than a story or Instagram post. Let me know your experiences with mail lists, in the comments below!


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