Where to invest in your business as a makeup artist

I wanted to write today’s post on a topic which can be quite a struggle for a lot of us - me included. How to know exactly what you need to do, to reach the next level. It’s hard, you don’t want to make a mistake and potentially invest in something that could ultimately lead to failure. I get it - its something I constantly struggle with, even right now. So I wanted to write my tips on how I figure this out, and how hopefully you can too.

Do I need new tools?

It might be that in order to reach the next level of success you might need new kit, or better equipment. The first step is figuring out, what do I need to succeed? If the answer for you is perhaps, a camera to create awesome content, or a serious upgrade in your kit (right now you might be carrying a kit for full glam, when you want to pivot into film) - then this fix is a simple one. There have been several times in my business where I have needed to invest in tools, for me right now a big one on my list is a new computer. My 2013 MacBook Air has done a great job at helping me build a wonderful business, but the slowness is definitely impacting my day to day and how fast I can get things done. If this is something that is holding you back, your next investment should probably be in a physical, tangible product. How do you know if this is the right investment? Look at what you NEED.

Do I need branding and/or a website?

OK so your tools and kit are looking good. The next investment I find makeup artists need to make is on visibility. If you are struggling with your identity as a brand or your visibility as a makeup artist, it probably means your next investment should be on getting your website set up and your branding. Do some branding research and the kind of voice and feel and client you want to attract and start from there. Invest in branding photos, invest in a good logo, invest in a website design service or if you want to make it yourself, invest in professional domains and email addresses. It might be easy to say, I can do this all myself - but think of your time investment also. If you could pay someone to create an amazing logo for you, that is fully unique and trademarked to you - and in turn, you gain hours of time back as a result? That is an investment well made.

What about marketing?

So you might in a position where you have a great website, you are happy with your brand. But you might be struggling with visibility and getting your face and brand out there. This might be the time for your business to invest in marketing. This word usually strikes fear into my mentees - because it sounds like selling. But crucially if you are a business, you need to learn to be comfortable selling and how to sell in a way that feels right to you. This can take some time to learn and figure out, but importantly, its good from the outset to have a small marketing budget allocated per year. I set aside a good amount, which I can then invest into Facebook Ads, Instagram Boosts and SEO. As you learn how to sell and market in a way that aligns with your business, you will figure out how best to use your marketing budget. The main thing is having one and not being scared to invest in advertising yourself. This is what sets you apart.

Adding a new service?

It could be, that you are at the stage in your career where you want to add on more services, perhaps hair or barbering. You will know this, because its probably been in the back of your mind for some time. This kind of pull comes from you WANTING to add on a new service, rather than needing to and thats completely OK. It’s your business, and you can run it how you want to, sometimes we invest in our wants, rather than our needs and that is what makes business fun! Adding on new services is a great way to pivot and find new clients, as well as upselling to your current ones. Figure out a small business plan for your new service, how you would launch it, how you would introduce it and crucially, how you would make your investment back.


It could be that you have done all of the above and have been stuck for a while. This is one area I wish I had invested in sooner, and am now completely obsessed with. For me, education is the pivotal moment where I can scale my business, create new income streams, gain crucial insights but also, learn from someone who is where I want to be. If you are feeling a little stuck, unmotivated or feel like you don’t know how to scale your business - this is where you would probably turn to education. This can come in the form of mentoring, one on one, courses, workshops or masterminds and is probably the hardest investment to hand over money to, because crucially you aren’t gaining a tangible product. You are gaining a service and putting your trust in someone to get you the results you need. The best advice I have for someone who is here right now - look at testimonials, speak to people, look at what you need. Always go back to what you need. For me, I have invested in courses with zero payoff (these ones were self taught, I have since learnt that I am the kind of person that needs to be held accountable!) and ones that have had enormous payoff (group coaching). Ask yourself the hard questions, what kind of person are you, do you have the drive and determination to do a self paced course, or do you need a mentor? Usually, these kind of investments, whilst not cheap - are the biggest driving forces to create epic change within your business, provided its the right one for you.

The hard questions:

You might still be asking yourself, “gosh, I need to invest in all these areas and I don’t have the money right now.” Take it slow - Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither are our businesses. Work out what will make the biggest impact right now. What do you need right now? Is it visibility? Is it a mentor? Is it new tangible products that can make your life easier? Work out what it is COSTING you? For me, a slow laptop probably costs me a good few hours a day, and time is few and far between right now. If I had tools that were working efficiently, I could probably get more done and earn more money. Not having a website could be the difference between £15k and £30k a year at the cost of maybe £1-2k (or less!). Good marketing could be the difference between 2 brides a summer, or a fully booked bridal season, at the cost of maybe one bridal party. The term you need to spend money to make money always rings true to me - so try not to live in scarcity when it comes to investing in your business and yourself. Give your business a chance to grow.


Why you should have an email list and ways to create one as makeup artist


6 tips to launching your new service, product or website as a makeup artist.