How to absolutely crush the next 6 months

We are at July and the halfway point of our year. Can I just say how bloody FAST is it going! It might feel scary, looking back at those New Years resolutions catching dust in an un-used planner (hopefully not the MUA PA!) but I think July is a fabulous month to dig those goals out. You have 6 months left to kill it - to crush it and to still achieve those goals. So how can we do it?

1) Face the bull.

That's right - you gotta face those goals head on. Have they changed? How do they make you feel? It’s time to map it out. Grab your goals and your notebooks and, what I like to do is create as spider diagram for each goal, flowing with ideas on exactly what I need to do to achieve that. If your goal is getting X amount of bookings - use those spider legs to detail what you need to do realistically to get them. Is it SEO? Is it marketing? Is it upping the game with your portfolio? OK now you have those, further detail how exactly you are going to do it. Portfolio not in the right place? Start with doing 2 test shoots a month. Plot them in your calendar. Take the action!

2) Look at what you need.

Often when it comes to goal setting and achieving - it’s sometimes a case of not knowing where to start. You might not know HOW, or something might be stopping you emotionally. What exactly do you need? Do you need a mentor? Or perhaps you need more money? Perhaps you need to get out of debt? Looking directly at what you need in order to achieve, can sometimes be hard and can come with emotional baggage. So journal it out. Maybe there is a deeper reason why you aren’t facing that goal. I know for a fact, I put off THIS very business for years. Why? When it came down to it, I was scared of failing and I was scared of losing money and looking stupid. I also had a lot of imposter syndrome. It wasn’t until I saw all of that, for what it was, that I was eventually able to move past it and achieve my dreams.

3) Schedule time.

Put in your iphone calendar, or Asana or diary - specific and dedicate time for achieving this goal. Sometimes not achieving goals is as simple as not having time and forgetting. I know I’m super guilty of that. So schedule that time in, just like you would the gym or brushing your teeth. Make time for it and set aside an hour or two a week, to make sure you are creating plans and taking steps in the right direction.

4) Join a group, mastermind or mentorship

Nothing quite kicks you up the bum, than a weekly one on one with your mastermind group or mentor. I know that for a fact. This person is holding you accountable - so if you have goals and you need that drive, that cheerleader in your corner and that accountability, this could be a great solution. Find a group who can be your accountability buddies, join communities of entrepreneurs who are also trying to crush it or even better, take the steps and hire a mentor who can make your money back and double it!

5) Pull back to spring forward

As makeup artists, not only do we physically work in our business DOING makeup, we are solo responsible for behind the scenes running. We wear MANY hats and it can be hard to find time and emotional energy to dedicate to scaling our business. We can’t do everything, unless you are outsourcing and hiring help. If you are a solopreneur looking to crush some BIG goals, be prepared to scale back. You might need to start saying no to some bookings and taking time out of being physically present, in order to be mentally elsewhere in your biz.

Hopefully these can help with what you need to do to get the next 6 months of your goals back on track!


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