5 ways to simplify your life.

I am ALL about simplifying my life. In fact I’m reading a book all about it right now and even have adopted a capsule wardrobe so I don’t need to think about what I wear. Outsourcing my life and simplifying it has not only benefited my overall happiness, but it’s benefited my business. I have more time and energy to put into things, because I’m thinking less about the things that honestly, don’t have to be so MANUAL. Here’s 5 ways you can simplify your day to day life, so you have more time for the stuff that matters!

1) Simplify your food shop.

I see many makeup artists raving about Hello Fresh and other food delivery services. I know for me, I was so frustrated taking myself out in the middle of the day to do the weekly food shop. It was at least 3 hours a week, trawling through supermarkets, travelling and picking out what I want to eat. Those 3 hours add up to a crazy 156 hours a year! I still like to have variety, so Hello Fresh doesn’t work for me, BUT I have adopted a weekly automated food shop on Ocado. I have an automated account that will add my basics every single week, and then I add the dinners and treats myself. It takes about 10minutes a week. Much better than 3 hours right?

2) Capsule Wardrobe

Did you know, the average person spends 17minutes a day, picking out what they want to wear for work that day. That’s 4420 minutes a year (thats 73ish hours). I know for a fact, this one was true for me! So I did a huge MARIE KONDO session and really simplified my wardrobe, buying a bunch of basics and comfies - so everyday now, I can throw on anything, without even thinking about it. It’s honestly changed my life. I did spent maybe a good month, redesigning my wardrobe and investing into pieces that worked - but I really really don’t even think about this now. I just do it. Thank you very much, I’ll take those 73 hours a year back now. That’s 73 more hours to spend on my business or with my family!

3) Hiring a Cleaner

This is one I am yet to do, but have been thinking about for a while. Generally, we spend about 1-2 hours a day doing general cleaning and chores. If we say 1 hour a day, that’s an incredible 15 days out of the year. This is even more if you have a larger house or bigger family. Hiring a cleaner can be an expense, but can also, give us SO much freedom in time and energy. Imagine what you could do with those 15 days!

4) A Virtual Assistant

If you know me, you knew this one was coming. A VA can completely change your business life. I know for a fact, my VA Claire has saved me about 300hours in my business. Similarly my Social Media VA Bryony, saves me 4hours a week. These hours can be spent by me, focusing on business growth, or doing the tasks nobody else can do. It’s been a huge blessing and the wonderful thing with a VA? You choose your budget, you choose the hours you can pay for. If you can dedicate £300 a month, or £100 a month, a VA can figure something out!

5) Automate Business Tasks

There are SO many things in business that can be automated to save us time. Social media for example, I time block every Tuesday to create content, which can then be prescheduled on Planoly. No more being physically online at 5pm. Hello consistency. You can automate so many things such as CRM systems, customer bookings, social media, blog posts, facebook group posts, invoicing and finances, contract signings, the possibilities are endless!

Overall, with the steps I have taken so far to simplify my life, I have saved a whopping 24 days a year, just automating and simplifying the way my life is. Other things I have done, I have cancelled my gym membership, opting for the sweat app and some dumbbells at home (saving me travel time to the gym). I have automated amazon deliveries for things like false lashes and disposables (no more physically going out and buying those things). I encourage you today, make a list of the tasks in your life that take time. Brainstorm how you can cut those hours down. You are saying hello to more time with your family, more time on the things you actually WANT to do, more time on your business growth. It’s a no brainer :)


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