3 marketing hacks for makeup artist

One of the questions I get asked the most about - marketing! I want to tell you a secret… it’s not as hard as your brain is making out. Even the word itself, marketing - can strike fear into people. But all it really means, is advertising you and your amazing services to your dream clients, allowing them to find and book you. And I have 3 amazing marketing hacks today that will hopefully change your life!

1) Know and speak to your ideal client.

I think this is my number 1 marketing rule. When you do anything in your business, it HAS to be tweaked, targeted and made exactly for your ideal client, if you want to book your dream clients. When I’m speaking on By Kayleigh, I talk directly to makeup artists and I create my content FOR them, not for me. When you are doing anything on social media or your website, create it FOR your ideal client. Talk to them in their language, tell them what they want to hear and give them what they want to see. If you do this - it’s a guaranteed recipe to book them. Go over your marketing strategy currently, especially if you find you are not booking right now. Look at what you are posting, how you are talking and put yourself in your ideal clients shoes. Are you vibing with your profile and website?

2) Understand what resonates and have a budget.

I attribute my growth on Instagram to a couple of things. Number 1 - content that resonates with my ideal client. It’s content YOU guys wanna see. Second - if something is really resonating with my audience of followers, I then boost it to a wider audience. I have a small marketing budget every year, allocated specifically to advertising. We are a business after all, and businesses advertise their services. My own marketing budget is small, only about £60-£70 a month, so about 2 posts can be boosted on a monthly basis, but it pays off considerably. If you are looking to grow and put your content in front of more eyes, it might be worth seeing if you have any room in your budget for advertising services and experiment. I also attribute my growth to knowing what content my audience wants to see. I regularly check my analytics and look at my highest performing posts and my lowest. I do less of the low and more of the high, so I am always creating and providing content that pleases my ideal client. This is key for marketing. There is no point producing content that your ideal client doesn’t want, and if you’re doing more of what they like - this is how you become bookable!

3) Show up consistently.

Instagram is a business. Instagram wants to keep people on the app. So when Instagram’s algorithm (Annie the Algorithm I call her), looks at their wide reaching 1 billion users, which content do you think they are going push. They will always push active users of the app, the ones who are actually using, commenting, socialising, and creating. If you are a business and your last post was last year, or if you are not showing up and lurking rather than using - Instagram is likely not to push your content out because you are not giving them business or bringing value. Wanna get on Annie’s good side? Use the app fully, show up on stories, do the occasional reel, live and post regularly. Be consistent. If you want to be a pro at marketing, then be a pro at showing up first and foremost. Make it a habit and a priority and more people will find you and your content. Which means more ideal clients will start booking you.

These are the 3 easiest hacks to marketing your makeup business. There are lots of strategies you can use to further your marketing, but if you want to start with the easiest and basics that timelessly don’t fail, start with these!


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