5 lessons from By Kayleigh

Failure. That big scary word that can stop us in our tracks from doing anything remotely close to being outside of our comfort zone. Today I wanted to talk about 5 lessons from By Kayleigh on how and why I didn’t fail in this crazy entrepreneurial adventure I’m currently on, and hopefully these lessons will help YOU gain confidence in your big dreams, where the F word might be scaring you into staying in that comfort zone.

1) Branding is everything

The branding journey is one that should never be skimmed over. For me, it was essential I got my branding on point (even now, I am getting a rebrand done to ensure my look, feel and vibe align with what I want my business to say. Of course this is super important for your clients, so you are always attracting the right ones and the ones you want. But branding was also important for me and my mindset. The second my brand, my voice, my colour palette and my logo was clear, everything started to fall into place more, including my mindset and the way I treated my business. Don’t sleep on branding, not only does this align the clients you want to your business, but it also aligned me.

2) Understand who your client is

The first work I do in my mentorship, is really understanding the ideal client of my mentees and ensuring they 100% understand their own client as well. After all, if you cannot name, place, know, understand, even SMELL, your customer, how can you market to them? How can you attract them if you don’t know them!

3) Work on you before anyone else

I’m sure I have mentioned before, but before I could even start By Kayleigh I had to get out of my own way. Mindset is more than half the battle for most people, so continuing to work and invest in yourself is always a must. You are the most key person in your business, so that should have the most investment, NOT your kit. I continue all the time to work on me, so I am not only a great mentor, but also showing up for my business in the best way possible.

4) Show YOU

I know I create amazing products, but I know most of my customers (you guys!) buy into By Kayleigh probably because of the person behind By Kayleigh. I am honestly the voice behind the brand, its sometimes not perfect, not curated, my dogs are involved and sometimes I come on lives and mess up and thats OK. That means I’m not a robot and I’m showing the real authentic me and people buy into people. If you sell, sell, sell and not show an inch of YOU, people will book makeup artists that are showing themselves, their interests, things people can relate to. Don’t be afraid to like anime, or video games. Don’t be afraid to share that dinner you made. Show you, because there is only one of you and thats what makes your brand unique.

5) Good habits now = better transitions later

I’m a Capricorn (lol) so for me, being organised is something that comes almost Monica Gellar easy. So when handing the reins to a VA when I need some help, this transition was an easy one because I have everything in place from the get go. Get into good habits now, because when you do eventually need to scale, automate systems and start digitising your business, this will make this transition all the more smoother. Have everything written down, have workflows written down and email auto responses. Keep records, track everything, keep on top of the not so sexy system stuff because when it comes to making that quantum leap into high earning - these are the things you need to hand over.

6) A bonus one - Remember anything is possible

A little cheesy maybe, but seriously, don’t let yourself stand in your own way. Don’t let your limiting beliefs write the end to your story. Write your own story and forge your own path. I want By Kayleigh to seriously inspire anyone who thinks they can’t do it, because I truly told myself that for many many years. I came back from New York recently and sat on the plane home feeling no dread. I was like… seriously whats up with me? I always hate coming home and dreading coming back to work. And then it dawned on me, its because I love work. I love coming back to work because I have created a work life and real life I love. It’s NOT impossible, because if it happened to little old me, if it happened to Mario, Charlotte Tilbury, Bobbi Brown, Hung Vanngo, it can happen to you too. You CAN create the life of your dreams.


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