5 Things I am aiming for in 2024

As our year winds down, I always spend the last quarter really assessing my business, my year and what I want from the next year. It might seem early to make resolutions and goals, but you know me - I’m always scheduled ahead! At this moment in time, I’m thinking about the words, i want to associate with next year. This year was “free.” I wanted freedom from 2023, and I truly got it. I worked when I wanted, on my terms. I stepped away from sets, and early morning 7am call times, travelling across the country, and stepped into waking up at 7am on my terms, in my tiny East London flat. I drastically cut down the weddings and students I took on, and instead, allowed myself to be free in my business. It’s felt awesome. I prefer to attach vibes, words and feelings to my goals next year, rather than resolutions and today, I’m sharing the 5 “vibes” I want, from 2024.


Next year, I am aiming to hire my first full time member of staff. This year, I took my first fortes into hiring a VA, and I truly see the benefit. Operating 3 companies with multiple things going on, I need some help and I really felt that in August this year. Every single day, especially toward the end of the year, I felt like a woman at max capacity. I feel like every second of my day is crucial right now, and going into 2024, I would very much like that to relax a bit. I know now is the time to hire a team member, and I’m really excited to have someone to share the load with. I hope 2024 brings someone who can share the By Kayleigh vision, help grow the business and be a crucial part of it, as well as enable me to put more brain power into doing what I do best, which is educating and creating! I feel like right now, my zone of genius is very partially utilised because I am so flat out keeping the business running, and thats not sustainable. I can’t wait to see who it is!


I’m pretty organised, but the more things I have to do, the more chaotic my organisation becomes. I have 10 random bits of paper with pretty important things on, I have Asana, that both me and my VA share, but sporadically, I have all the tools and systems, but I feel I need someone to help me really utilise these better. I feel like this will come with bringing on a team member, but for 2024, I hope to have my daily routines, my systems, my tools all ironed out. I want a calendar that feels not so tense, and emails that don't make me feel constantly behind. I hope 2024 will bring some calm and order.


Now don’t get me wrong, this one I’m already pretty darn good at. My calendar lives in my pocket, not on paper. I sell digital products, my bookings go through a system. But what I would love for 2024, is for me to step back into my zone of genius and create. This year, i wanted to great digital courses, a digital version of the mentorship, I wanted to film and sell masterclasses, but in all honestly, I just haven’t been able to step into that and thats OK, I truly do believe in the timing of life! It wasn’t supposed to happen this year. I spent a lot of energy in the Level Up Club this year, and truly have found my place there. But I hope next year to shift enough off my plate so I can get creating again. I want to create those courses! I have so many ideas and things I want to do in the digital space. I’m putting it all on my manifestation board for this year!


This may go against what I just said, about creating and launching new things - but I also want to simplify my life and my offerings too. Right now, probably again, leading back to needing more help - I feel like I almost have too much to do, too many things to remember. What I’m aiming for in 2024, is to shift a lot of that and simplify my day to day again. I wanna strip back a lot of the By Kayleigh digital shop, I want to close my Etsy, and focus in on By Kayleigh. I want to really sit down and look at where my energy is going, where I want my energy to go and where I don’t want my energy to go and use this as a basis to simplify everything.


This year, my own personal development took a back seat. I had mentors, but I did feel like I stayed the same in terms of my own learning. I gave up a lot of my spiritual practises because of time and energy, and there were a lot of launches that I wanted to get involved in that I couldn’t - because I knew I didn’t have the time to commit to them. Next year, my final word is development. I’m gonna do the damn course. I’m gonna get involved in the mastermind of my dreams and I’m gonna put myself in the room with the darn people. I’ve had a hustle year, but next year, I want to simplify, I want to organise, I want to grow as a team and get some help, I want to get creative again and I want to develop myself. I always say, if you’re not growing, your business is not growing and I feel that right now. I feel like the next level is close, I’m doing everything right - but I know the final piece is my mindset (and a few business branches, I need to climb first!) and I’ll have cracked it

Here’s to cracking it in 2024.


So you wanna start a podcast?


How I prepped for almost a month away from my business in Japan!