3 courses I am currently taking and how they are different.

After I finished up Season 3 - I embarked on my own mentorship journey. I would say I have had around 4 mentors in my time. Right now, I am being mentored in a mastermind group, privately one on one and in a course format. I wanted to explore all avenues and see which one was most valuable but also - to immerse myself in lots of learning to better myself. Here are some things I have learnt from all of these different types of mentoring

1) Mastermind Groups.

I’m currently taking part in a 8 week mastermind, finishing with a 3 day live event. I have to say, I’m really enjoying this format of learning. There are about 1000+ participants in the Project Next Mastermind hosted by Dean Graziosi and honestly, I’m relishing every single minute. There are some amazing speakers, and even if done over Zoom, I can be as active or inactive as I like. Some weeks I come on camera and participate. Some days I quietly listen off camera with my hair in a pineapple and spot cream on my face. The calls are every Thursday evening and there is also a self taught course with 8 modules, which I am slowly making my way through at my own pace. Overall, I love this kind of learning. It involves me being very self sufficient, I have to be motivated, I have to log on the portal and sit down and be ready to learn. I have to be engaged and in the mindset of bettering myself and I think the live aspect helps with that and helps hold me accountable. I personally love that there is a live aspect, a self taught aspect and there is an event. It really proves motivating but also, at my own pace in a way. I think masterminds would be great if you are looking for a relaxed learning experience at your own pace, with some accountability.

2) One on One Mentoring.

This is one I myself, have been on both sides of the coin. I mentor one on one but I am also being mentored one on one. I found this one really interesting. My own mentor calls are flexible, so booked in as and when (as opposed to a once a week, for 12 weeks) but I find these are very very engaging. It’s great to have someone be a soundboard, and bounce ideas off of. It’s also great to have someone who gives me advice, from a perspective of being 10 years ahead of me. I leave the calls feeling really really motivated, but also, like I have a lot to work on (which for me and my Capricorn brain isn’t a bad thing, but I imagine this can be overwhelming!). I also feel accountable as heck, I have someone who almost is counting on me to do the work, or they will be disappointed if I don't (and I don’t want to let them down!). I think this type of mentoring is great if you want results and are highly motivated by accountability.

3) Self taught courses.

OK, I have 3 self taught courses I am currently doing. The Project Next one, which I loyally work through every week. I started one on investing last year, which sadly has 0% progress. My last course is one on reels - which I am currently doing and I’m super engaged in. So what is the difference with all these courses? I think for me personally, the investing one was bought when I was going through a bit of a phase. I had lots of time and for me, investing is a hobby with no instant direct reward as such. Also, as you guys probably imagine, investing can be a DRY topic. I haven’t found it in my priority list to muster the courage to crack on with it yet, because it’s not really something that excites me. The reels course however, this is something I am actively interested in. I love learning about social media (I guess because its tied to closely to my industry and what I teach!) And I’m instantly able to get results, by taking what I have learnt and…well, posting a reel! I think that’s my main learn from buying self taught courses, is that you HAVE to be motivated and interested in the subject matter, or you just won’t do it.

So thats my own personal breakdown of the 3 types of education I am currently doing and perhaps, these insights can help you if you are looking to do some self development of your own.


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