10 more lessons, from 10 more podcasts

You guys seemed to really enjoy my previous blog post AND episode on my lessons! I love sharing what I have learnt along the way, it’s also super fun for me to go and read back! So here are some more lessons from 10 more episodes!

Episode 11 - I had hit the over 10 episode mark, which statistically now, means I’m less likely to quit! This episode was with the lovely Claire Clarke VA, the wonderful woman who built my CRM system. I really wanted to bring this episode to the table, because truly the CRM system was something that made such a HUGE difference in my life. I was back to interviewing someone who I had a pre-existing relationship with, and I think it was this episode where I realised the podcast was taking off. Claire got such amazing feedback and a lot of people booked onto her CRM package after this episode. I think when she told me this, it hit me that people are listening, and it’s not just me putting things out into the universe!

Episode 12 - OK, this episode was a HIT! It immediately became my most listened to episode of all time, and I genuinely had SO much fun with Marissa from Marissa Grace Artistry. Marissa’s story was just insane. Her energy was just insane. Her knowledge and guidance was just insane. It was an episode that just SLAPPED. But also, it really motivated me. Listening to Marissa’s story, and being a few years behind her in terms of where I started, I could see myself in Marissa. I’m in my hustle season (as she calls it) right now. I could see those things for myself too and I think a lot of listeners could too. Marissa really broke the wall in terms of showing WHAT IS REALLY POSSIBLE for us in the beauty industry. And it gave me goosebumps just re listening to it and editing it. A favourite episode for sure!

Episode 13 - In this episode I spoke with the incredible Kristina Gasperas. Kristina’s energy was pure fire. When she spoke, I was so truly captivated by someone who is just IN LOVE with educating, in love with helping artists, IN LOVE with what they do. Again, like many of my previous lessons, I was hearing the story of someone who is killing in with over 3000 members in her membership, and her success I believe, is because she doesn’t do it for the money, she does it because she loves it, and because she is obsessed with what she does. The money came as a natural result of that. This is something I have seen time and time again with my guests, and I really do put it down to being a defining factor for success now.

Episode 14 - The incredible Amy Conway came on this episode, I honestly felt a little bit star struck with this one, having followed Amy’s journey unknowingly across the years! With this episode, I wanted to find out more about Amy, and her beginnings. My favourite story was when she went to NYC and LA with Bobbi Brown herself, and powdered Jamie Foxx and Channing Tatum. Honestly, you gotta listen to it. In this episode, I saw a different perspective. Previously, a lot of my guests are self employed, but Amy works under a brand still and has done for over a decade. It was really interesting to gain that different career path insight, and the conversation presented to me, the idea that everyone’s path and dreams ARE different. It really made me assess my teachings, and the guests I’d like on going forward, and how I can diversify my guest line up a bit more. It also made me look at how glamourised entrepreneurship can be, and how I’d like to offer both perspectives going forward.

Episode 15 - Ok, this one was perhaps, my biggest learning curve. For some context, I went to a PR event with my amazing student, Katie. This event was with Isle of Paradise and during the event, we heard from Jules Von Hep, the founder of IOP, he gave an incredible speech! During the event, Katie and I met an amazing content creator, Lorna and got speaking about what we do. I told Lorna I had a Podcast and off the cuff said, gosh after hearing Jules’ speech, I’d love to interview him for it. Lorna immediately sprung into action, and said, let’s go over there and meet him! Of course being, terribly British, I said there is NO way I am going over there, but with some liquid courage and Lorna and Katie by my side, we went over and got chatting. I am NOT the type to pitch or really, to even go up to random people I don’t know and start talking. I’m a terrible networker. But I remember Amelia from Chicken Shop Dates, speak on a podcast saying, in order to get her incredible celebrity guests, she would wait after gigs, slide in their DM’s, email their managers, go to red carpets, she did whatever it took, to be in the room with them. I channeled Amelia, and asked Jules to be on the podcast, which ended up being my personal favourite episode of all time. After this, I changed my handle on Instagram to @bykayleigh podcast, dropping the “designs’ and really felt, I need to go all in on this.

Episode 16 - This one, we went solo again. I did a cheeky Spotify poll, and asked you guys what you wanted to see. A solo episode came out on top and I recorded one that I really wanted to do, for quite some time, and that is - My Money Story. Really, the whole aim of this podcast, is to grow your income, so I felt sharing my money story, would perhaps break down some barriers and some walls. During this episode, I get a little emotional. I don’t actually do that very often, but I think talking about my past bought on some emotions, mainly, looking back on how far I have come. From this episode, I learnt, it’s OK to be vulnerable. This community we have built together, is so so safe. I know I wont be judged. I know it’s OK to share the good and the ridiculously bad. Because by sharing my messy middle, I’m sharing that it’s OK to have a messy middle.

Episode 17 - In this one, I interviewed the wonderful Kellsie Bain. Honestly, a lot of my guests who come on, I literally wanna be best friends with. And Kellsie was no exception. Our stories are so so similar and I just felt like I wanted to hang out with her. It was in this episode I learnt, I really do need a podcast editor. This edit was particularly hard, as both our audios screwed up on import, and I just don’t have the knowledge yet to fix this kinda stuff. It’s here, in episode 17, I’m realising, I really do need a full time member of the team.

Episode 18 - Another solo one, where I break down the first 10 lessons I learnt! This was such a fun one to do, I love looking back and really looking at what we have learnt from each guest. I think this is great practise in life anyway. After each wedding and trial, I really do try and go on my notes app, and break down what went well, what didn’t go so well, what is out of my control, and what I personally could have done better. I think this is a great self development practise to get into and this little series, is my way of doing it for the podcast!

Episode 19 - In this episode, I interviewed Carly Jo Makeup Artist, a huge girl crush. Carly was SO fun. I really loved our anti gatekeeping conversation. It was around this episode, that I was doing podcast interviews a few times a week, and had got ahead with my scheduling. I feel like here, in episode 19, I had finally cracked the routine, the edit and what I need to do to not be overwhelmed. My advice, for anyone wanting to start a podcast, have a few episodes lined up and scheduled, nothing feels worse than editing the day of release, and nothing feels more overwhelming than chasing your tail all the time, scraping to be caught up. I’m now a month ahead, and I feel like now, I can really enjoy the release days and process more!

Episode 20 - Finally, we end our series, on this episode with Laura Carroll. My biggest learn from this episode was how conversations can take an unexpected but amazing turn. Laura was such a wonderful guest, and just by happenstance, we decided to talk about being introverts. This ended up being both of our favourite part of the conversations. I feel like with experience, I have allowed myself to go off script at times. Before I used to sit there in interviews and really try and keep to the questions, but now I feel I’m much looser with it and its resulting it some great moments, where you just roll with where the conversation naturally goes. It feels great. I feel lie I’m in a really good place as the host. I still have a tonne to learn, but I feel like I’m really enjoying it now.


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